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To finish writing my book!

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Q: What would you want for your birthday?
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What would you want for your 14th birthday?

i would want some clothes and make up

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A birthday party+Beer+Cake.

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What color cake would you like for your birthday celebration?

What color cake do you want for your birthday party?

What would 10 year old want to do for her birthday?

ask her !!

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another guitar

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A decoration.

What would Pablo Picasso want for his birthday?

Cake, a party and friends

What do you get for a 13 year old girl for her birthday?

an ipod (that is what i would want anyway!)

When is George Washingtons's birthday?

i don't know and why would you want to know? -RJ- :):)

Would it be sensible to have a 16th birthday party or an 18th party?

it would be 16th birthday because when your 18 u can do anything u want and u will be grown up