if my mum seen me kissing a guy she wouldn't really care she'd just be upset about the fact that i didn't tell her that i had a boyfriend or there was some guy and if she has ago at me for kissing him i would tell her its only kissing not like you caught getting up to stuff and say that i am old enough to know what i am doing.. xx
Are you a man or a woman
get it anyway
If by mam, you mean mom, then yes. That would be incest.
"Mam chríonna" (grandma). It would sound something like "mam hree-nna".
melvin , mife, time scale , ya mam , whale, piggy, snooker,
french: votre mam german: Ihr mam italian: il vostro mam
yer mam
Mam=Ma'am?.... Signora.
you mam
Enw mam fi ydy / ....... yw enw fy mam i
ya mam ya mam ya mam and ya dad
1 girl and 1 boy because you get a chance with each like the dad could bond with the boy more and the girl can bond with her mam
ya mam ya mam ya mam and ya dad