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There are independent shops that repair air guns. (see the link below)

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Where can you found parts for a daisy model 21?

I would do a web search for "air gun repair" or see the link below.

Where can you find a repair manual for a model 21 daisy BB gun?

I would start with Daisy air gun company. See the link below. contact Customer service.

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I would start with Daisy first and see if they have a kit. ( See the link below). Or see the ( #2 link ) of shops that repair older air guns.

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Mfg 1984: Considering how old this rifle is, I would send it in for repair. Look on-line for "Daisy air gun repair" or "Airgun repair" and send it to a shop near you.

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I would start by checking the web under "Air Gun Repair" or see the link below.

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Where can you buy parts for a daisy air gun?

If it's a recent Daisy or even some older Daisy's I would start with Daisy (See the link below) Daisy has some parts. OR: you can do a search on the web for "Air Gun Repair" and locate someone near you to repair the Daisy. OR: you can see the link below for a list of shops.

I'm looking for the bolt action slide for a daisy bb gun model 990 where would i find this?

I suggest you look online and search for "Air Gun Repair" and locate someone near you to repair it of see a list of repair and parts shops at the link below.

Ted Williams 799-190720 bb gun and would like to know if these guns can be repaired or rebuilt Anyone have any luck with this?

799.190720 was made by Daisy. It is a model 880 and can be rebuilt. I suggest that you look on the web under 'Air Gun Repair" and find a shop near you that can repair it. But remember that a new model 880 sells for $70 a used working model sells for around $30. The repair of your air rifle may not be worth it unless you are attached to it. Look at the new Daisy 5880 for around $90

Where can you purchase a cocking lever for a daisy model 96 bb gun?

I would do a search on the web for "Daisy Airgun Repair" there are shops that make a living repairing older airguns. Or see the link below for a list of shops that do all kind of airgun modifications and repairs.

What year was the daisy bb gun model 1894 model F549408 made?

It would be best to ask Daisy directly to get the best answer. They have a web page to answer questions about Daisy antiques. See the link below.

How do you replace the seals on a daisy model 102?

I would contact Daisy customer service See the link below.