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It would be property of the slave's owner.

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Q: What would happen if a slave had a child?
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What would happen to a naughty slave?

They would be whipped and beaten terrably.

What was the child of a slave woman and a free man considered?

The child of a slave woman and a free man was typically considered a slave under the principle of partus sequitur ventrem, meaning that the child's legal status followed that of the mother. This meant that even if the father was free, the child would still be considered a slave.

What was the legal position of a child born to a free woman and a slave in ancient Rome during the republican era?

To the best of my knowledge, a child inherited their legal status from their mother. therefore a female slaves child would be a slave, and a citizens child would be a citizen.

What was the child of a slave women and a free man considered?

The child of a slave woman and a free man would typically be considered a slave, inheriting the legal status of the mother. This was a common practice in many societies where slavery existed.

By Virginia law what was the child of a slave women and a free man considered?

Under Virginia law, the child of a slave woman and a free man was considered a slave, following the principle of partus sequitur ventrem, which means that the status of the child follows that of the mother. Therefore, regardless of the father's status, the child would still be enslaved.

If Leia walked through Coruscant in her Slave costume what would happen?

That question is completely pointless since she got rid of the slave costume!

What would happen if a child killed or murdered the president of the US?

They would lock the child up I think

What happen when a slave is living in a free territory?

He could apply for his freedom, and it would be granted automatically.

When did Slave Zero happen?

Slave Zero happened in 1999.

What would happen if a child drank goo gone?

they would grow wings.

What status does a child take on when born to a slave mother in 1662 accroding to the Virginia law?

That child was also a slave.

What would happen if you breathed out too hard to a young child?

The stomach would fill with air and cause the child to vomit.