what would be the value of ronald reagans cigarettes that has the presidential seal on it that he smokes on his plaane?
NO. I tried to send a carton of cigarettes to my uncle as a present and it got confiscated in the post....
Smoking electronic cigarettes would probably be better, but it might lead to smoking cigarettes one day. It's best not to smoke either.
You should not tell your customers not to buy cigarettes, then they would not shop at your store.
Warren Harding, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and Lyndon Baines Johnson. Two others, Howard Taft and Dwight Eisenhower quit before becoming President. John Fitzgerald Kennedy smoked cigarettes in private but did not want people to know that he smoked. Many others smoked cigars or pipes. Ronald Reagan smoked cigarettes, during much of his earlier film career, but would quit before running for office. George W. Bush smoked cigarettes for many years, but would also quit in the early 90's. President-Elect Barack Obama admits still smoking cigarettes, but it is unclear if he will kick the habit once he is in the White House.
NO because when children eat it they would always would always want it but when they grow up they won't want it anymore they would want real cigarettes.
nope. if a smoker had enough money for a packet of cigarettes and no lunch, they would buy the cigarettes and skip lunch! smokers will buy cigarettes no matter how much they cost.
There are 10 packs of cigarettes in a carton. There are 200 cigarettes in a carton and 20 in a pack making it 10 packs a carton.
=proobably !==i definetly would not take a chace sending cigarettes in the mail. :]=
Well it depends all on what cigarettes you smoke. For newports its about 60 bucks for a carton
The US Currency is backed by the United States Government they are the ones who give it value. Without the US Gov. we would still barter gold, silver, and cigarettes.
If gasp cigarettes have 5 mg tar and 0.4 mg nicotine per cigarette and there are 20 cigarettes per pack, how many packs of cigarettes would hve to be smoked to coat your lungs with 4 0z (1/4) of tar? How many packs would you have to smoke to introduce your lungs to one gram of drug nicotine?
Buying anything on the black market is illegal. I would recommend buying the cigarettes legitimately from a retailer.