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Q: What would be the approximate weight gain of a person who consumes an excess of 500 kcalories daily for one month?
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What would be the weight gain of a person who consumes an excess of 500 kcalories daily for one month?


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What would be the approximate weight gain of a person who consumes an excess of 500 cals daily for one month?

4 pounds

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If a person consumes 100 calories in excess energy how much is stored in the body?

If they are not burning it off, then almost all of it will be stored in the body. If it is not used at a later time, then it will turn to fat and the person will gain weight.

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Depends on the person taking them.

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as much as he can

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This is actually really common with bulimia (binging and purging), which is often why it's hard to detect. From my understanding, a person with bulimia usually consumes enough calories to maintain their weight. When a person binges, they are consuming excess calories, so when they purge they are getting rid of these EXCESS calories, preventing them from gaining weight, but not making them lose weight.

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