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100-300 or so depending on specifics

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Q: What would a used Berretta handgun 21A sell or trade for?
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well, that will vary they rufly cost around £189.99, but if you traded in the first edition it would sell for not much at all and cost alot of money. if you trade in a dslite, it would go for a little more than the first edition and it may still cost rather alot. If you trade a dsi it would sell for rather alot and you wouldn't have much to pay. If you trade in a dsixl if would sell for loads and you would have bearly anything to pay.

Can you sell a handgun in MO?

Provided you follow all the applicable rules and regualtions, yes.

What do you need to privately sell a handgun to a gun dealer in PA?

The gun and a receipt from the dealer.

How do you trade items on fantage?

You go into the Trade & Sell shop, press sell, press an item you want to trade, and press trade.

How would you describe a trade surplus?

In order to have a trade surplus, a country must export (sell) more tangible goods than it imports (buys). If the opposite were true, a trade deficit would exist.

Is it illegal to sell an individual a handgun?

That depends on your states laws. Some states allow it; some states require all handgun purchases to be made through an FFL dealer.

How do you sell an inherited handgun in Arkansas?

You may sell it to a dealer, have a dealer sell it for you, or you may sell it directly to another resident of Arkansas so long as they are old enough to buy a handgun, and you do not have reason to believe the buyer is not able to legally own a gun. If the gun is being sold to someone in another state, the gun must be sent TO a gun dealer in that state.

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the people would take there barley and go to what I call trading triangle and trade it but they could sell the barley...

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No, both parties would have to be in agreement and sign off to sell or trade the vehicle.

In resident evil 4 what gun should you sell the normal handgun or the punisher?

I can't stress it more: sell the normal handgun. You get more for the Punisher, but you'll be thankful you kept it. In every game I have played on RE4, I have kept the Punisher throughout the story. It's much more powerful.