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If you get pregnant the signs that many woman have are nausea, some light cramps and the breast and/or nipples may become sensitive.

Most woman experience some fatigue - dizzy spells are possible and headaches possibly due to rising hormones.

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I feel very dizzy and sick

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Q: What will you feel like when you first get pregnant?
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what does it feel like pregant for the first couple weeks

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Consult a doctor, or a second one if you are not comfortable with the first.

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The same as you always feel.

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No different than when you are not pregnant. You may start to feel something at around 12-13 weeks.

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The first signs of pregnancy are morning sickness.

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Yes. Counting days and rhytm methods are motoriously unreliable as contraceptives. one in five couples who rely on that ends up pregnant within the first year.

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probably, because if you think about you would get paranoid and start thinking that you are or you would just feel like you are. some people do feel like that but as soon a they start thinkin like that they end up being pregnant or starting their period

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If you get pregnant by a married man do you feel bad?

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