there would be more of it and your urine would be more translucent.
You should drink eight glasses of water a day. But drink more depending on weight or if you work out more. Their are various websites on line to help determine how much water you should drink if you work out more.
3 glasses a day, no more bcz adult are suppose to drink 3 glasses...
Drink odols
Most high status people drink alcohol, as do those who are more educated.
Alcohol and metabolism are unrelated. So the amount you drink has no bearing on metabolism.
Alchohol is misused because people drink to much of it and then they drink more and more and more.
in my personal opinion, 100%. but there are defiantly more teens that drink alcohol that those who don't.
If you drink more than 5 glasses .....Yes!
It varies too much and is too subjective to answer outright.Strictly speaking from blood alcohol level an average American woman can drink about 2 glasses of typical red wine before getting "buzzed" and about 3 glasses before they run the risk of having a blood alcohol level that would be considered intoxicate. Even then it is not advisable to drive even after 1. You do not have to, in the US, have an elevated blood alcohol level to be considered impared.A typical male would would be able to drink 4 glasses of red wine before blood alcohol becomes an issue and still get buzzed after two glasses (8 ounces to a glass if memory serves me correctly).This is assuming that you drank them over a period of an hour roughly.Again this varies based on the weight, how often they drink, etc. and if you are talking mental impairment or strictly a blood alcohol level.At 161 lbs and a casual drinker it takes me (Idgarad) 5 glasses of Red Wine in a 1 hour period to blow a .08 on a breathlizer. I can drink 3 glasses of Red Wine though in a 30 minute period and blow a .13 so the speed at which you drink can greatly affect it.In addition eating\not eating prior to drinking can affect it also.Another influencer of this is the proof (amount of alcohol) in the drink. the higher the proof the more alcohol in the drink.Unless you are exceptionally large or small, you will be legally intoxicated if you drink between four and five American beers in one hour.
Yes...drink more alcohol and they will go away.
If you are experiencing the runs from your drinking, you are -- by definition -- drinking far too much. It does not happen to "social" drinkers. Drink less alcohol. Alcohol-induced diarrhea is caused by the body's rejection of the alcohol, which it recognizes as a poison, and because of the irritation caused to the inside of the digestive tract. Some people are more susceptible to that than others. If you are one of them, consider it one more good reason not to drink.