How do you get a 12 year old girl to like a 11 year old?
it is only one year difference so talk about her or wat she
likes or wat she wants to do if she is a tomboy and she calls you
cool or not annoying she likes u also if a 10 year old boy likes a
11 year old girl and shes a tomboy and thinks your cool or not
annoying she is in love with u really in LOVE WITH U
Is it ok for a 10 year old tomboy to play assassins creed?
How an eleven year old tomboy can attract a bad boy?
just be your self and everything will be fine
What kind of activities would an 11 year old tomboy enjoy?
Hanging with guys
What do you get a 26 year old girl for Christmas?
For Christmas? Well it depends what her personality is like. It
also depends on what she likes or her interests.
What is a good gift for a 6 year old girl for Christmas?
A 6 year old would most likely like a stuffed animal.
Do 8 year old girls like clothes for Christmas or makeup?
I used to be one and I don't like make up. It makes you look
like a 75 year old when you are 49.