I think Christmas will turn out to be nothing about Jesus and God, it will be all about gifts and food. I think we will lose the meaning of Christmas entirely.
AnswerThere is no way to know. We could speculate and invent a "futuristic" Christmas, but there's no way we could accurately predict what will come.
AnswerChristmas is actually a pagan holiday. Christ was not even born in December, he was actually born sometime in September. Christmas is a day of sun god worship and child sacrifices that was created by the Romans to convert people to their religion. Read your Bibles, people.
the same probably if were still on earth
It is now known what North America look like 100 million years from now.
i think the world 100 years from now will be filled with all new technoligies
Pretty much the same as they do now.
If you mean "now you are 100 years old", then, my sister is now 98 years old, since she was 2 when I was 4.
yes. 89+11 = 100
100 years from now.
Well, when I got it for Christmas like 1 or 2 years ago, it was $280. But I think they're cheaper now. Like around $200
"Why, for fifty three years I've put up with it now, I must stop this Christmas from coming, but how?" 53.
When you were 4 she was 2. You were two years older than she was. So if you are now 100 she is 98
Years ago there was, but now there is not.
In 2016, five years from now (the shortest interval)