The negative effects of African slavery ? - The abuse, rape and torture of other people, the kidnapping and uprooting of people from their families and native land, the total misery it caused millions.
It could blind you, sunwise burn you or give you cancer
Some of the immediate effects of American reconstruction were the end of slavery, a change of government in the South to disallow Confederate politicians, and the drop of the southern economy because of the lack of slave labor. Longer-term effects included African-Americans gaining the right to vote, long-lasting racial tensions, and the growth of communities that had mostly or all African-Americans.
One of the most negative effects that Muslim Arabs and Christian Americans have had on the US is a negative attitude that came about after 9/11.
Because of the horrors of slavery and dehumanization of African Americans' ancestors many haven't a record of their family line and connection to where they are truly from. Some say parts of West Africa, based on DNA, but not all are entirely trusting of that.
he wanted to end the slavery for the african americons
some effects are diseases that then brought down population and native America's worked their hardest in the West African Countries.
African Americans
Because some african weren't christians
some negative affects are hurricanes
there are some negative effects of later school start times:late finishfatiguelack of concentrationdon't get be out in the daylight as muchthey are just some of the negative effects, there are some more.
Australia ? You are a good example of what some of the negative effects are !
There are many books that discuss the history of African American Slavery. History text books, and books such as 'Freedom v Slavery' by John Hutchins.