Signoria was an abstract noun meaning (roughly): government; governing authority; de facto sovereignty; lordship' in many of the Italian city states during the medieval and renaissance periods.There is also Piazza della Signoria that is an L-shaped square in Florence, Italy.
It was different from the natural European culture.
Girolamo Savonarola died on May 23, 1498 at the age of 45.
The statue of David is in the Academia in Florence, Italy. A replica stands outside as you enter the city of Florence. There are many other statues carved by Michelangelo.
Antonio Gianandrea has written: 'Della signoria di Francesco Sforza nella Marca' -- subject(s): History, Sources
Roland Pauler has written: 'Der Kaiser und die Papessa. Historischer Roman' 'La Signoria dell'Imperatore' -- subject(s): History
Romualdo Cardarelli has written: 'Baldaccio d'Anghiari e la signoria di Piombino nel 1440 e 1441' -- subject(s): History
Yes, they were commisioned by the Signoria of Florence to paint the Grand Council Chamber in the Palazzo Vecchio; Leonardo worked on the Battle of Anghiari and Michelangelo on the the Battle of Cascina
Marcello Del Piazzo has written: 'Signoria, Dieci di balia, Otto di pratica legazioni e commissairie, missive e responsive' 'Ragguagli borrominiani' -- subject(s): Architects, Biography
Alessandro Cutolo has written: 'L'\\' 'I precedenti e gli albori della signoria di Gian Galeazzo Visconti' -- subject(s): History 'Maria d'Enghien' -- subject(s): Nobility, Biography, History
Rocco Benedetti has written: 'Le feste et trionfi fatti dalla sereniss. signoria di Venetia nella felice venuta di Henrico III. christianiss. re di Francia, e di Polonia'
his home was in florence, he lived in the 'palazzo medici riccardi' (Via/road camillo cavour, 3, 50129, florenca) but he moved in the 'palazzo vecchio' (Piazza/square della Signoria, Firenze) then he bouht the palazzo pitti (Piazza/square dei Pitti, 1, 50125 Firenze)