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slaves couldn't get married buy houses or get jobs

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Q: What were some basic rights slaves did not have?
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What were some of the basic rights that slaves did not have?

The right to education, the right to vote, and their freedom.

Laws that controlled slaves behavior and denied them basic rights?

laws that controlled slaves behavior denied them basic rights

What were some of the basic rights slaves did not have?

Privacy, legally killed, voting, Denied in education

What human rights did slaves have?

They were considered property and had no basic human rights.

What was the main purpose of these three amendments?

to free and grant basic rights to slaves

What were some rights slaves didn't have?

Slaves did not have any rights. Slaves are seen as the property of their owners, so the only rights slaves had were the ones given to them by their owners.

What was the main point of the Fifteenth Amendment?

to guarantee political and legal rights for former slaves

This war led to the passage of civil rights amendments?

The Civil War led to the passage of some basic civil rights amendments. Notably, the 13th amendments freed the slaves from captivity.

What rights were the African American slaves denied?

They were denied all basic human rights because they were considered property. foiiertjetdxn

How were slaves denied their human rights?

In early America and elsewhere thoughout the world during the height of slavery, slaves had no basic human rights because they were considered property. to control the large number of slaves,colonist passed slave codes.

How did slavery deny slaves their basic human rights?

Denied them of freedom, voting, owning property... etc.

How does the 14th amendment differ from the fifth amendment in regard to citizen's rights?

The 14th gave some rights to ex-slaves. The 5th gave rights to everybody except for slaves.