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in the new world (during colonial times): whatever the slaves could find

India: the untouchables would get around 1-3 rupees a month, what they do with that money is up to them

Europe: bread, water, a roof, and a bed.

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14y ago

mostly rice for slaves on ships or in general scraps of meat or bread and water or, mostly pork rinds and chicken. Slaves are most spoiled when their masters are at a party.

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Q: What were slaves feed?
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What did they feed slaves?

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Why were slaves feed once a day?

Not all slave owners underfed their slaves. But the reason was an economic one. It was cheaper to feed them less.

What did the slave owner feed the slaves?

they fed them oatmeal and not good uuaaaful

How do the slaves get food?

They get feed by working. If someone wants to keep a slave there going to feed the slave that way they don't die

What time did African slaves eat?

they got feed once a week

How slaves got control by their master?

by getting beat and not being feed food

Who has it better Slaves or industrial wokers in the north?

slaves, because some slaveholders would feed, cloth, and give them a drink most of the time

How much money did slaves make in a day?

Slaves didn't get paid. That's why people used them for manual labor. All they had to do was feed, cloth and shelter them.

What Corporal Works of Mercy did St. Peter Claver demonstrate?

he fed the slaves(feed the hungry)

What are the jobs done by slaves?

slaves picked cotton,tobacoo,and rice bambie810039 Building, digging, planting, manuring, cutting & burning, carrying & loading, feed cattle LIAM :D

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