705 gallons of water weighs about 5,883.2 pounds.
There are approximately 1,554.10 pounds in 705 kilograms.
To get your BMI, you take your weight (in pounds) and divide it by your height (in inches). Once you have that number, divide it by your height again. Now, multiply it by 705. That number is your BMI!
For those who use metric units:To figure out your BMI, take your weight (in kilograms) and divide it by your height (in meters). Now take that number and divide it by your height again. Now you have your BMI!In a formula: BMI = weight (kg) / height^2(m)For those who use imperial units:To figure out your BMI, take your weight (in pounds) and divide it by your height (in inches). Now take that number and divide it by your height again. Once you have that answer, multiply that by 705, and you have your BMI!In a formula: BMI = 705 * weight (lb) / height^2 (in)
It's calculated by dividing one's weight (in pounds) into their height (in inches). Once you have that answer, you then divide it by their height again and multiply it by 705. That would be their BMI!
Anything that weighs 24.87 ounces, or 1.55 pounds.
Five can go into 705, 141 times. You can do this by dividing 705 by 5 (705/5), which would be our answer of 141. Hoped this helped!
You take your weight in pounds and divide it by your height in inches. Once you get that answer, you divide it by your height again and multiply it by 705. Or You can take your weight in kg and divide it by your height in meters squaredunder 18.5 is underweight18.5-24.9 is aceptable25-29.9 is overweightover 30 is obese
Here is the calculation for Body Mass Index:Metric Formula: BMI (Body Mass Index) = Weight in Kg/(Height in m)2Imperial Formula:BMI (Body Mass Index) = 703 X Weight in Pounds /(Height in inches)2
For those who use metric units:To figure out your BMI, take your weight (in kilograms) and divide it by your height (in meters). Now take that number and divide it by your height again. Now you have your BMI!In a formula: BMI = weight (kg) / height^2(m)For those who use imperial units:To figure out your BMI, take your weight (in pounds) and divide it by your height (in inches). Now take that number and divide it by your height again. Once you have that answer, multiply that by 705, and you have your BMI!In a formula: BMI = 705 * weight (lb) / height^2 (in)
705 divided by 165 equals 4 with a remainder of 45.