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There weight was on average for adults who were healty was{MEN}180/{WOMEN}150

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Q: What weight and height were the people in the fifteen hundreds?
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How does a fifteen year old lose weight?

A fifteen year old should not try and lose weight unless directed by a doctor. You should wait until you are your maximum height before deciding that you need to lose weight.

What is the scale for how much a fifteen year old girl should weigh?


Is this weight calculator simple to use?

The Ideal Weight Calculator computes the ideal body weight as well as a healthy body weight range based on height, gender, and age. People have pursued an ideal weight formula for centuries, and hundreds of formulas and tables have been created.

How much should a fifteen year old male weigh?

weight usually goes by height. try searching for bmi charts

Is a person's weight a function of their height... Why?

no people of the same height have diffrent weights, a given height maps to more than one weight

What website has an easy to use diet calculator ?

The Diet Calculator computes the ideal body weight as well as a healthy body weight range based on height, gender, and age. People have pursued an ideal weight formula for centuries, and hundreds of formulas and tables have been created.

Average fifteen year old weight?

For a 15 year old boy of average height (5'9") 150 pounds For a 15 year old girl of average height (5'4.5") 121 pounds

Is eleven stone overweight for a five foot eight fifteen year old girl?

No it isn't, you have a BMI in the healthy range, and you also have the height to carry this weight off!

When people are the same height do they weight the same?

They might, but usually not. There are basically three parts to a person's weight, muscle, fat and skeletal weight. And even if two people have the same height, all three parts can weigh differently.

What does HWP stand for in personal ads?

Height-Weight Proportionate. They don't want any really skinny people or any overweight people.

What to people pay to have guess at the carnival?

Their weight, age, future, and height.

What do people pay to have guessed at the carnival?

Their weight, age, future, and height.