there is really no backup website for 4chan. if you really are missing 4chan, you can go to
There are no exact founders, as bronies are a fandom rather than an organization, so it doesn't really have any founders. The fandom started on threads on the website 4chan and spread from there.
The Brony community first started forming in late October 2010 on the website 4Chan. Forum discussions were started after one blog wrote an unfairly scathing review of the pilot on October 19. Posts started in earnest after the second episode aired on October 22.
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Vince gill
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4chan is a popular website for people to congregate on. As of August 2014, nothing has happened to the b board on it and it is still around.
7chan and 4chan are similar sites where unusual, funny, risque, and other types of pictures are posted. They have similar content, but they are not the same website.
4chan is an anonymous imageboard website where users can post images and comments on a variety of topics. It's known for its diverse community and wide range of discussion boards on topics like anime, video games, politics, and more. Due to its anonymity and minimal moderation, 4chan has developed a reputation for both creative content and controversial discussions.
Christopher Poole, also known as "moot," started 4chan in 2003 when he was 15 years old. He created the website as an imageboard for discussion of various topics.
4chan is an image website where users post anonymously about a range of topics including anime and memes. The target audience is teenage and young adult social activists who want to make comments while remaining anonymous.
4Chan was supposively going to launch an attack on Tumblr for Tumblr people "stealing their memes." 4Chan failed to take Tumblr down so easily.
Civil war, a stupid person named boxxy made 4chan a chaotic newfag station, anon then later stopped it, 4chan is back to normal now though
Not4chan was a website which hosted pornographic material of young children. This site was removed from the internet. The latter site, 4chan is a site where persons can post pictures and opinions without tracking who the person is. These sites are relevant as both sites contain inappropriate material.
VMWare Backup is a software solution which is used to backup the files of a server. Detailed information on VMWare Backup can be found directly on the VMWare website.