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A ten year old does not need a boyfriend! The idea is completely ridiculous.

At ten years of age, especially with girls, people are still trying to figure out who their real friends are, and focusing on maintaining friendships, not relationships that are highly unlikely to succeed.

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13y ago
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12y ago

Do things girls like and make them laugh, But make sure that what you doesn't make you seem sorta girly (gay). Just be yourself, the most important thing is for the girl to like you how you are and not what your pretending to be. If she doesn't like you for how you are and the things you like then she isn't worth the trouble you get into trying to get her.

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You are only 13 years old. Be a child first, you have your whole life to find a girlfriend, wait at least until you are 16 or 17, that's a good age to start dating (double dating would be better). For now enjoy your childhood and don't listen to your friends or fads these days. Just concentrate on you school work, sports, hobbies etc.

Another Answer

Before I answer your question, let me give you a piece of advise: be patient. Don't date a girl because you want to be able to say you are dating or what not. Date her because you actually like her. Now, to answer: become friends with her. Make her laugh. See if she makes you laugh. Be nice (but not creepy nice). Get to know her, but giver her her space, too. So, if you decide that you like her/are pretty good friends with her, then don't be afraid to stick your neck out. Tell her that you're interested in her. If she responds to that positively, looks like you've got a girlfriend. Hope that helps.

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Girls ( i am one ) love it when you tell them that you like them, but get to be friends with the girl first, you dont want the girl to be laughing at you behind your back. Also remember YOLO? If a girl says she doesnt want to go out with you, You Only Live Once so dont be cut up about her for long, life is too short. ;)

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13y ago

I don't want a bf but i know how to get ONE. Here's a few things to do if you have a crush on someone:

Say hi! every day

Find out what they like or don't like and what you have in common

Make sure they don't have another gf

Ask there friends what kind of person they are (nice, ,mean, smart, funny, etc.) _____________________________________________________________

A: well I'm a 6th grade boy and my best advice is to be flirty smile a lot but only if you know this before you went o middle school if you don't hang around him like friends tell second semester of 7th grade so y'all know each other do not rush i like a lot of girls but didn't go to them randomly so anyway take it slow

I'm a guy in 6th grade so this might help:

If hes not talking to you try to start the conversation he might like you but just being shy. Also if he ever makes fun of you don't ask him out he'll probably will laugh!

But anyways take it slow and if he seems to be real talkative that means he could be ready to be your boyfriend of course that is if he likes you!

Im a girl in 6th grade and have had a couple bfs already. You don't really have to "get" a bf, its more like a mutural feeling. if u do want to get a guy though, i suggest becoming his friend first so hes comfortable around you. don't come on to him all of a sudden or hell think of u as a stalker or someone who follows him around, my bf right now was my best guy friend and it kinda grew out of that

I am a girl going into 6th grade I really like this guy but i have no idea how to get him to me i just wanted to say thanks for everything but i also have a friend and shes got some good tips. 1 go up to the guy say i am your name then be nice or "flirt" with him then express your liking with then you got a boy friend!

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14y ago

Good practice for a ten year old boy is to be a real friend to the object of your desire. That's step one in any relationship.

Please listen to me. I know it's hard but honestly, you are only ten years old. You have your whole life ahead of you. Enjoy being a kid. I am 13 and I don't want a boyfriend yet. I can do that later. Seriously, I know you must have heard this a ton of times, but that's only because it's true.

But if you wont listen to me, and you must try and get a girlfriend, be a gentlemen, none of that teasing her.

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13y ago

first of all try to talk with her for any reason you want but when she was leaving don't go after her i mean she shouldn't know that you are going after her. do your best

good luck any bod.

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13y ago

12 years old is no age for someone to be dating or thinking about girls.

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13y ago

website datings are so dumb and lame find a girlfriend at school

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13y ago

you always date to get either married or heartbroken or sin

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