Paul Giel was born September 29, 1932, in Winona, MN, USA.
St Paul MN is located in North America.
In St. Paul, MN, snow in April is not uncommon as the region experiences snowfall well into the spring months. The amount of snowfall in April can vary from year to year, with averages ranging from 3-5 inches. It is advised to check the local weather forecast for the most up-to-date information on snowfall in April.
about 28 miles
202 miles
about 78 miles
What is the phone number for G.E.Money In Saint Paul MN
about 19 miles
20.89mi / 33.62km
about 27 miles
The distance between St. Paul, MN and Honolulu, HI is 3972 miles (6392 km).
34 miles.