The price of a VCR in 1990 was about $175. VCR's are no longer as popular as they once were due to the advent of DVD players.
The only VCR currently available from JCPenney is a $249 DVD/VCR combo.
The Sylvania DV220SL8 DVD/VCR Combo is under $80
DVD VCR combo can play your favorite tapes watch DVDs and record. The good price would be to total how much you would buy the DVD plus the Vcr and then make a clear judgement.
The average price for a top quality and top brand machine is around a hundred and twenty dollars.
the average price for a movie ticket in 1990 was $4.23
The average price for a movie ticket in 1990 was $4.23.
No. But you will need to run a short line from your t.v. to your vcr using a coax cable which can be purchased at most electronics stores for a small price.
Philips DVP3340V DVD/ VCR Combo has a low price of only $37.99 and the reputation behind the name of Philips. It's easy to use and reliable.
The average price for a gallon of regular gasoline in 1990 was: $1.16
What was MD stock price on jan 4 1990
The price of a gallon of gas in 1990 varied from $1.10 to $1.30
A VCR stand is not necessary to make a VCR working properly as it is only a piece of furniture used to hold the VCR. A VCR will work as long as it is plugged into the wall and hooked up to a TV.