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Underground railroad

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Q: What was the network of people and shelters that assisted slaves in escaping slavery in the US?
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Related questions

How did enslaved people resist there slavery?

Disobedience and escaping were two ways of resisting slavery Disobedience and escaping were two ways of resisting slavery

What were two published newspapers that helpedblacks to escape slavery?

There were several different anti-slavery newspapers published that assisted blacks when escaping to freedom. Some examples of those newspapers are 'Voice of the Fugitive' published by Henry Bibb and 'Freedom's Journal' published by Samuel Cornish.

How did in enslaved people resist slavery?

Disobedience and escaping were two ways of resisting slavery. Disobedience and escaping were two ways of resisting slavery fighting there masters not doing work in the house or on the field.

Did they catch Harriet Tubman escaping?

No she escaped from slavery.

After escaping slavery who became a leading speaker agains slavery and publisher of an antislavery newspaper?

Frederick Douglass

Who is famous for escaping slavery?

Harriet Tubman is very famous for escaping slavery. She was 30 years old when she escaped. She then returned multiple times over all, helping over 300 slaves.

What does leaning on cushions mean at Passover?

joy and happiness after escaping slavery.

What were some of the factors people had to consider as they thought about escaping from slavery?

They worried about getting caught and getting returned to slavery.

How did Frederick Douglass and Harriet Tubman fight against slavery?

they helped for escaping slavery and coming back and help other people

How was slavery important to the US?

Slavery was important to US because slaves were use to build railways , roads and shelters . they were even use to fight war.

What did the Africans do to protest their capture into slavery?

They ran awya but was caught .they tried escaping and MAYBE punched the peeps

How did Northern whites who assisted with the underground railroad begin to view slavery?

Human rights, not states rights.