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black will rebel

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Q: What was the greatest fear of white slave owners?
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What did plantation owners fear that led them to separate the white servants from black slaves?

Slave rebellions.

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What did the northerners fear southerners slave owners might do?


Why did the owners fear that the slaves would revolt?

It would probably mean death for the slave owners and a massive loss of profit.

Why did south carolina's colonists live in fear of a slave revolt?

They lived in fear because rights were taken away from black people in Virginia. The slave owners would get scared of them causing a revolt......

What famous slave revolt procured fear amongst slave owners in the south?

Nat Turner, 1831 - see related link

What did northerners fear southerners slave owners might do?

Use slave labor to take over Northern industries...jrc

Why did the southern slave owners fear the northern attitudes toward slavery?

The loss of slavery would threaten the southern economy

What was the result of white southerners brutal treatment of their slaves and their fear of potential slave rebellions?

it emancipated many slaves

What were the social effects of the Haitian revolution?

wright the real answer mi a wait til tommrow

What was true about slave codes?

They became more rigid as fear of slave resistance grew.