the free soil party's stance on slavery was the buying and selling of slaves
The Free Soil party Fought Against slavery.
They opposed the extension of slavery into the western territories because 'free men on free soil comprise a morally and economically superior system to slavery'
Free-Soil Party
The Free-Soil party was created in 1848 to keep slavery out of the western territories.
The Free-Soil Party wanted the western territories to be free from slavery.
Martin Van Buren
Martin Van Buren
The Free Soil Party's presidential candidates were Martin Van Buren in 1848 and John Hale in 1852.
The Liberty Party was a political party formed in the United States in 1840 to advocate for the abolition of slavery, while the Free Soil Movement emerged in the 1840s with a focus on preventing the spread of slavery into new territories. The Liberty Party had a more radical anti-slavery stance, while the Free Soil Movement sought to protect the economic interests of white workers by opposing the expansion of slavery.
They opposed the extension of slavery into the western territories.Below is a link with more info.united-states-free-soil-party
The Free Soil party Fought Against slavery.
The Free-Soil Party was a political party in the U.S. from 1845-1852 and their slogan was 'Free Soil, Free Speech, Free Labor and Free Men' this was inscribed on their banner. The Free Soil Party contended that slavery undermined the dignity of labor it also said it inhibited social mobility, and was therefore fundamentally not the Democratic Party.
They opposed the extension of slavery into the western territories because 'free men on free soil comprise a morally and economically superior system to slavery'
Free Soil Party, opposed the expansion of slavery
Free-Soil Party
The Free-Soil Party opposed the expansion of slavery into new territories, believing that it threatened the economic opportunities of white laborers. They advocated for the containment of slavery and believed in the moral wrongness of the institution.
The Free-Soil party was created in 1848 to keep slavery out of the western territories.