Many people think it was the Macintosh in 1984. But it wasn't! It was Xerox. Apple asked for a tour of there company and rights to edit the GUI. xerox retuned saying yes. Years later Apple released the Macintosh and fired Steve Jobs who later returned in 1997.
To our research we find that the first computer mouse was made out of Wood.
By puting an mouse mat under the mouse
mechanical mouse
The first computer mouse was invented in 1963-64 by a man named Douglas Engelbartas.
a computer mouse is used to point things on the computer screen
You need a mouse to control your computer. You can also use the keyboard only but it takes longer. Your computer needs a mouse. And it makes your life better with it.
well the tech use of mouse is that some may use it to go online .
if it has a touch screen or a mouse touch pad.
a mouse pointer.
The computer mouse is used to move the cursor or arrow on the computer monitor. The mouse is operated by hand, usually with a mouse pad underneath it.
The mouse is the bun-sized object with two or three buttons on it which we use to move the cursor around the computer screen. It is usually located to the right of the keyboard and is usually attached to a wire.