To stop them importing war supplies in exchange for their plentiful cotton.
introducing African slaves as workers in the New world.He stop the use of Native Americans being slaves.
Inventing the cotton gin in order to stop the slow and tedious work of slaves.
After the former slaves escaped,they wrote letters to their former en slavers telling them how they felt.Some former slaves wrote that they should stop looking for them because they are in a land where every one has rights [Canada], so if they come to take them they will go to jail.
read you textbook -.- stop cheating by using the internet ^ Idiot, it's not cheating. It's a crossword.
Nonimportation agreement
The First Fleet did not stop in Tasmania. There was no settlement in Tasmania (then called Van Diemen's Land), and it was not the location where the new colony was to be established, so there was no reason to stop there.
the french-france
They stopped importing it into the US after the 1995 year model.
It was the first strategic move made by Lincoln on the outbreak of war. But it wasn't to stop the South from getting cotton. It was to stop the South exporting cotton and importing the foreign goods they needed, having no manufacturing capacity of their own.