By their determination. They wouldn't give up...!
The Viet Cong were guerrilla forces. They were not a conventional military force like the North Vietnamese Army, therefore they wore civilian clothing. Plus, civilian clothing added an advantage as American and ARVN forces would not recognize them as combatants. The Viet Cong were guerrilla forces. They were not a conventional military force like the North Vietnamese Army, therefore they wore civilian clothing. Plus, civilian clothing added an advantage as American and ARVN forces would not recognize them as combatants.
The United States where fighting the North Vietnamese Army to deter communism in South Vietnam. The Chinese also were a part of the conflict however not so much as a direct entity as a funding source for the NVA.
Communists living in South Vietnam, not part of the regular NVA (North Vietnamese Army). VC over the radio, pronounced "Victor Charley"...the military phonetic alphabet (Alpha, Bravo, Charley, Delta, Echo, etc.).
At first, it seemed as though the Vietnam War was between North Vietnam and the U.S. with South Vietnam supporting them. In reality, the South Vietnam's Pro-Democratic government treated their people so badly, that they formed a secondary army, called the Vietcong or VC, and worked alongside the North Vietnamese to drive out the US forces. This was done so they could establish a Communist government because the new Capitalist government was not helping them.
France, Australia, US, North Vietnamese (Vietcong), South Vietnamese.
If you mean who the enemy was, it were the: North Vietnamese Army Vietcong Khmer Rouge and the Pathet Lao While the "Main Enemies" Were the vietcong and the north vietnamese army.
The local VC took their orders from Hanoi. The NVA was Hanoi's regular army.
The VC (Vietcong) and NVA (North Vietnamese Army).
The Vietcong were South Vietnamese and Cambodians in a political organization supported by North Vietnam to carry out guerrilla attacks against South Vietnam it support of the northern military.
By their determination. They wouldn't give up...!
Are you talking avout NVA, Vietcong, South Vietnamese? Can you please be a little more specific, I can't help you if you can't be specific.
the vietcong and north vietnamese showed that they could still fight
Communist guerrilla movement in Vietnam that fought the South Vietnamese government forces 1954-75 with the support of the North Vietnamese army and opposed the South Vietnamese and US forces in the Vietnam War.
Acceptable, until after Nixon's Cambodian & Laos invasions ('70 & '71) then the financial support was cut.
North Vietnam was the communist area after the division. But more specifically the Vietminh, or Vietcong. Ho Chi Minh was the leader.
No Vietnamese prime minister was assasinated, but South Vietnam President Ngo Dinh Diem was killed by Vietcong during a raid from north to south during the Vietnam War.