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Slaves were loaded in Africa and then transported to America on what was the middle passage of the triangular trade.

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Q: What was the cargo of the Middle Passage of Triangular Trade?
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What cargo was carried on what is known as the middle passage of the triangular trade?

The middle passage, part of the Triangular Trade, carried slaves from Africa to America.

What cargo was carried on the middle passage of the triangular trade?

African slaves that were being shipped to north America

What cargo was carried on the middle passage of the triangle trade?

RUM!!!! I think. :)

What cargo was carried on the middle passages of the triangular trade?

African slaves that were being shipped to North America

Middle passage cargo?


What cargo was transport along the middle passage?


What cargo was carried on the middle passage?

Afrcan slaves.

How is the middle passage genocide?

The middle passage was a slave transport rout from Africa to the New World... Half of all the the salve ships cargo would die in transport...

What were the three slave trading passages?

The Triangular Slave Trade was divided into three separate parts. First was Outward Passage along the Atlantic. Ships traveled between 6 to 8 weeks with goods to purchase human cargo. The second passage or Middle Passage was the most difficult and deadly. A lack of space, hygiene, food and water resulted in the deaths of about 10-20% of the slaves. The third or Return Passage came after the slaves were sold and the ships returned loaded with cotton, sugar, rum and spices to Europe.

Where did slave resistance occur on the triangular trade?

...slaves didnt want to be left to carry cargo .. when it was overloaded on ships so they rebeled

When was the journey of slaves from Africa to America?

The Voyage For Africans was Painful And Tragic

What did the slaves do on the middle passage?

The term "Middle Passage" refers to that middle leg of the transatlantic trade triangle in which millions of Africans were imprisoned, enslaved, and removed from their homes. The Africans were then transported to the New Word. It is believed that up to two million Africans died directly attributable to the Middle Passage voyage. Triangle Trade (Explained) Ships loaded with commerical cargo departed Europe for Africa. While in Africa the Europeans traded their goods for kidnapped Africans. The Africans were then transported across the Atlantic and sold or traded for raw materials. The raw materials would be transported back to Europe.