about $7333.00
$900.00, to $2,000 My brother bought a two story plus full basment for $1,800.
In 1928, a house cost close to $8,000 and an average salary was $1100. Penicillin, recliners, ice cube trays, bubble gum, electric razors and sliced bread was invented.
In 1968 the average cost of a new house was $26,600.00. The average household income at that time was $7,743.00.
about fifty cents a month.....
In the 1970s, a new house cost 234,00.00 In the 1970s, a new house cost 234,00.00 in the 1970s a house cost 234,00.00
Median cost of a new home in 1928 (US) was $4,250. That equates to about $58,105.85 in 2016 with inflation.
In 1928, a house cost close to $8,000 and an average salary was $1100. Penicillin, recliners, ice cube trays, bubble gum, electric razors and sliced bread was invented.
In 1968 the average cost of a new house was $26,600.00. The average household income at that time was $7,743.00.
In the year 1928 the average price for a new car was 385.00. The cost for a home was 4,918.00 and average salary was 1,153.00.
The average house cost $4,690 in 1905. The average cost of a car in 1905 was $1,450.00. The average cost of a loaf of bread was 0.04.
The average cost of a house in 1959 was about $12,400.
The cost of a movie theater ticket in 1928 was 25 cents. The average cost of a movie ticket in 2014 is 8 dollars.
1928 is a common date, coins in average circulated condition have retail values of $1.00 to $5.00
The average cost of a house in Haiti is $25,000.00
The average cost of a new house in the 1950s was $3,000.00 to $5,000.00.
The average cost of a house in 1991 was around $120,000 in the United States. However, this amount can vary depending on the location and size of the house.