i know 6 SS-4 Nuclear missiles
A 13 day political military
Nuclear torpedos? Absolutely, both US and Soviets armed their attack subs with them. There were also nuclear depth charges, nuclear land mines, nuclear demolition charges, jeep carried recoilless rifles with nuclear warheads, nuclear artillery shells (from 16 inch naval shells down to standard 4 inch howitzer size), and probably many other things we can't even find out about.
No. The Soviets were fighting the Germans in WW2, just like the Allied forces and after WW2 the West and Russia were in Cold War stances. That means that they were very unfriendly, but never actually went to war. Had fighting happened there could have been nuclear war.
The cold war was about nuclear weapons; without nukes, there would have been no cold war. Only the US had nukes prior to 1949; the US was the most powerful nation on earth...in 1949 the Soviets (Russians) tested their first nuke. They had the "bomb" now. The power had shifted.
The American convicted and executed for passing nuclear secrets to the Soviets was Julius Rosenberg. He and his wife Ethel were found guilty of espionage in 1951 and were executed in 1953. So, yeah, don't go around sharing nuclear secrets like they're your grandma's secret cookie recipe.
The nuclear reaction to obtain flerovium is:Pu-244 + Ca-48 = Fl-289 + 3n
Nuclear missiles.
The Rosenbergs.
The US was concerned and saw the Soviet acquisition of nuclear power as a potential threat to its security. This led to an increase in military spending and the development of their own nuclear weapons program during the Cold War.
they were thought to have given nuclear bomb information to the soviets
nuclear reaction= Kernreaktion
The reaction of the Chinese Communist Party on the 1963 Nuclear Test Ban Treaty was antagonistic. They cited the new treaty as more evidence that the Soviets and the Americans were in an alliance against the principles of Marxism-Leninism and the struggles of workers world wide.
kuril islands