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Q: What was promised to slaves that encouraged them tofight for the british?
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What did lord dunmore do that horrified many southerners?

Promised freedom to slaves that joined the British cause

Which of these restrictions contributed to excluding both women and slaves from civic participation in the 18th and 19th centuries?

Neither women nor slaves were encouraged to pursue an education.

How did the British convince slaves to fight against the Patriots?

by promising them freedom

What did each side offer the slaves if they fought in the revolutionary war?

The British offered freedom and independence. The 13 colonies offered more rights. The slaves went for British because they wanted freedom, not rights.

In the American Revolution African Americans fought on which side?

The vast majority of African Americans fought on the side of the British, records show that 20,000 fought for the British after being promised freedom and land, many also signed up aboard Royal Navy vessels. The Continental Army kept no records for Black American slaves; however, it is thought that approx 5,000 fought on the orders of their 'owners'. The British kept their word and many African Americans emigrated to British Canada, England and the Caribbean where they were freed and given small plots of land. It is a sad fact that American slave owners on catching the freed slaves tortured, crippled and even blinded some in revenge. Many historians believe the Revolutionary War was fought to retain slavery in the colonies as England had outlawed the practice. In Simon Schama's 2006 book 'Rough Crossings: The Slaves, the British, and The American Revolution' he lays out the evidence for this horrific fact.

Related questions

Why did slaves join the british?

They were promised their freedom

Why did thousands of African American slaves sign on with the British army?

They thought they were fighting for there freedom

British royal governor who encouraged runaway slaves to join his army?

Lord Dunmore

What did lord dunmore do that horrified many southerners?

Promised freedom to slaves that joined the British cause

When several colonial legislatures attempted to restrict or halt the importation of slaves British authorities did what?

British authorities intervened and rejected these attempts, asserting their control over the colonies' trade policies. They emphasized the economic benefits of the slave trade and encouraged the continuation of importing slaves to the colonies.

Who was the first black American to join the Army?

African-Americans have fought in every American war including the Revolutionary War. Runaway slaves were promised freedom if they fought for the British army.

What were enslaved african americans who fought on the british side given?

The enslaved African Americans were promised freedom if they chose to join the British government during the Revolutionary War. This caused many slaves to flee from their masters and take part in the battles that were occurring.

Who was the first black person to join the American army?

African-Americans have fought in every American war including the Revolutionary War. Runaway slaves were promised freedom if they fought for the British army.

In 1775 the population of the colonies included about how many African slaves?

There were approximately 500,000 slaves at the end of the colonial period. The American Revolutionary War found slaves fighting on both sides of the conflict. The British unilaterally promised freedom to any slave fighting on Britain's side and thousands took them up on this. Some slaves, however, fought alongside their masters.

What place would have been ''the promised land in the slaves lives?

The free north.

The differences between spanish and English slave?

what are the differences between English and Spanish slavery?The British saw slaves as the owner's property while the Spanish just saw them as the lesser class.Spanish slave laws were drawn up in Europe while the British were drawn up in the colonies.Spanish judges were expected to promote liberty, however this was not so for the British judges.the slaves could not enter into a contract without their master's consent in the british colonies. In the spanish colonies slaves were allowed to enter into contracts without their master's consent. for e.g marriage.Marriage was encouraged in the Spanish colonies but not int eh British.

What is the historical significance of the head-right policy?

It was a system to attract England citizens to move to the Americas because it promised 50 acres of land and 50 acres for their slaves. Therefore, it developed thriving British colonies.