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his personal charm

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Q: What was one difference between President Kennedy and previous leaders?
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What do you think the major difference is between our African American president . President Barack Obama. and previous black American president?

There WERE no balck presidents before obama, retard!

What was the difference in ages between teddy roosevelt john kennedy when they were elected president?

Kennedy was the youngest person elected president at the age of 43. Theodore Roosevelt was only 42, but he was VP and ascended to office after McKinley was killed.

How old was President Kennedy when he died?

John F Kennedy was 45 years old when he died.

What is John F. Kennedy's religion and why is it significant?

he was the first catholic president and it mattered because all of the previous presidents were some other religion....back then there was no separation between church and state

Who was the president between 1961-1963?

John F. Kennedy served during these years.

What is the difference between president and acting president?

There is a very big difference between president and acting president. The president is the leader full-time and the acting president just steps in when needed.

How much of age difference between JFK and Teddy Kennedy?

15 year age difference

What was a goal of president Kennedy's peace crops?

President John F. Kennedy established the Peace Corps by Executive Order on March 1, 1961. President Kennedy sought to encourage mutual understanding between Americans and people of other nations and cultures.

What is it called when the constant difference of any term and the previous term?

In an arithmetic sequence, the difference between any term and the previous term is a constant.

Who served as president between Nixon and JFK?

Lyndon Johnson preceded Nixon and succeeded Kennedy as US President.

Is there a difference between saying who a person is and how that person is?

Yes, there is. The first relates to identity and the second to condition? Who is John F. Kennedy? Well, he was President of the US back in the early 1960s. How is John F. Kennedy? Not well, what with him being dead since 1963 and all.

Why did president John F. Kennedy create the peace group?

President John F. Kennedy established the Peace Corps by Executive Order on March 1, 1961. President Kennedy sought to encourage mutual understanding between Americans and people of other nations and cultures.