Freed slaves were treated poorly after the Civil War. With the rise of the Ku Klux Klan, freedmen were usually terrorized. It was usually difficult for freedmen to get jobs as well.
There weren't any slaves after the american civil war. They were freed by the emancipation act.
somewhat like there lives before they were freed
somewhat like there lives before they were freed
Former slaves believed that after years of hard labor the South owed them land. This belief was not granted by the South; and many slaves rented small homes and went back to work for paid wages on the plantations.
somewhat like there lives before they were freed
There weren't any slaves after the american civil war. They were freed by the emancipation act.
what was the return to Africa like for the freed slaves this is not an answer.
What was life like for many freedmen in the South after the Civil Answer this question…
somewhat like there lives before they were freed
somewhat like there lives before they were freed
Former slaves believed that after years of hard labor the South owed them land. This belief was not granted by the South; and many slaves rented small homes and went back to work for paid wages on the plantations.
Life for newly freed slaves in the South was incredibly challenging. Many faced poverty, lack of access to education and healthcare, discrimination, and threats of violence from white supremacist groups. They also had to navigate the complexities of finding paid work and securing housing, often in a hostile environment.
somewhat like there lives before they were freed
somewhat like there lives before they were freed... Apex:)
somewhat like there lives before they were freed
somewhat like there lives before they were freed
somewhat like there lives before they were freed