EVERYTHING.! Its the strongest fabric and has more healing properties than any other medicine plus, its organic so you just grow it and bam. Marijuana is a miracle.
I believe they used wool and/or hemp. :)
The filibuster of the 1840s and 1850s used obstructive delay takes in the service of the us government. The Californian William Walker used the Nicaraguan civil war as a distraction to institute himself as a dictator there.
There were 3022,427 slaves in Missouri in the 1850s
By the 1850s, the south and north were becoming more alike.
By the 1850s, hemp had become the third largest agricultural crop grown in North America.
The U. S. Census of that year recorded 8,327 hemp plantations, each with 2,000 or more acres in cultivation.
Hemp means fibre of a plant which is used to make ropes. " I buy a large stock of hemp "
Jute is a fiber obtained from the stem of the jute plant used for making ropes, mats, and bags. Hemp, known as sleek in some regions, is a separate plant cultivated for its fibers and seeds which are used in textiles, paper, food, and other products. Both jute and hemp have different botanical origins and applications.
Yes of course. You can make over 50,000 products out of hemp
I believe they used wool and/or hemp. :)
cotton, hemp
The plural form of hemp is "hemps."
Hemp is an industrial material made from the fibrous parts of the cannabis plant and is used mainly for making ropes, clothing, and parachutes.
Marijuana was used as a drug (as a medication). No one knows if they ever had smoked marijuana. Marijuana was one of many plants normally used in medicine. It was usually placed in alcohol (perhaps with other plants and other drugs). It is likelythat it had been smoked as a medication. The recreational drug of choice was alcohol, and sometimes cocaine dissolved in alcohol. The occasional cocaine use was usually used by women. A common remedy was sold to relieve women's menstrual cramps. This remedy was usually alcohol and cocaine. Women became addicted to the cocaine, and started to use it recreationally. These remedies were legal, as was marijuana.HEMP (not marijuana) was widely used. Hemp seed oil was used in lamps. Hemp was also used as food (mostly for animals). Hemp was also made in to cloth and was used in making sacks. ALL rope on ships were made from hemp. ALL sail cloth for sails on boats was made from hemp. The first Levi's were made from hemp cloth. Hemp was a major & vital plant. It was law that Hemp be grown. During WWII congress mandated that farmers in the Midwest grow hemp for making hemp rope. Remnants of those seeds still grow today (feral hemp). Feral hemp has less than 0.1 percent of THC. It will not make you high but you will be arrested for possession. Both hemp and marijuana are illegal. Both marijuana and hemp hurds (stems, roots, and fibers) are believed to be toxic if eaten**I was only able to find one reference on eating hurds. Hemp (hurds) are used as a source of cellulose fiber. It would be about as safe as eating a tree.
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