A score of 212 on the PSB exam is considered above average, as the average score typically falls around 200. However, what is considered a "good" score may depend on the specific program or institution you are applying to. It's recommended to check the score requirements of the school or program you are interested in.
Yes, an IQ score of 145 for a 13-year-old is considered very high, indicating exceptional intelligence. A score of 122 for a 10-year-old is also above average, suggesting above-average intelligence. A score of 114 for a 9-year-old is considered good and above average, while a score of 111 for a 12-year-old is also above average. Overall, these scores indicate strong cognitive abilities for their respective age groups.
A score of 127 on an IQ test is considered above average, falling within the top 15% of the population. This score suggests that the individual has strong cognitive abilities compared to their peers.
Yes, an IQ score of 119 is above average and falls within the top 25% of the population. This score indicates above-average intelligence and cognitive abilities.
DBQ essays typically make up 25% of your overall AP exam score in subjects like history and English. It is important to score well on the DBQ essay to ensure a good overall score on the exam.
Actually its pretty good but remember that the PSAT is alot easier then the SAT. anyways Good Luck!
psat test score PSAT, the Preliminary Scholastic Assessment Test
how students compare with other psat test takers
PSAT scores give you a general idea of what score you would make on the SAT. Adding a zero to your PSAT score gives you a ballpark number of what you would make on the real thing. The highest score possible on the PSAT is a 240, while the highest score on the SAT is a 2400. The PSAT is not an acceptable test to send to colleges in place of SAT scores. However, the PSAT can earn you recognition with scholarships for making a high enough score.
Over 9000
On the psat the perfect score would be a 2400. because u add a zero to the end of the number. so if u get a 240, that's a perfect score. on the sat, 1600 is the perfect score.
Yes. It is a very good score for a seventh grade and is approximately equivalent to the 90th percentile for a sophomore.
The Pre-Scholastic Aptitude Test score ranges from 60 to 240. The average final PSAT score for 10th grade is about 125. The average PSAT score for 11th grade is roughly 140. The overall average in 2014 was 142.
240 points
A PSAT score of 176 places you in about the top 25% of PSAT test takers. According to the website of the College Board, for 2009 the average score of PSAT test takers was 141. A PSAT score can be multiplied by ten to get the rough equivalent of what a student is likely to make on the SAT unless he engages in serious SAT preparation efforts. If an SAT score of 1760 is likely to be sufficient to allow you to gain admission to the colleges that you want to attend, then 176 is an "ok" score on the PSAT. If you would like to make a higher SAT score than 1760, then you should go to the website of the College Board an register for their online course about how to improve your SAT score. You should be aware that a few random hours of study is unlikely to impact your SAT score. You may need to spend five hours or so per week for many months taking practice SATs and studying SAT preparation materials in order to improve your SAT score. But it can be done! Good luck!
PSAT scores are sent to the schools, so if you have lost your PSAT scores, ask the guidance counselor at your school for the score report.