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Marley warned Scrooge to change his miserly ways.

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Q: What was Jacob marleys warning to Scrooge?
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When did Jacob Marleys ghost leave?

Jacob Marley's ghost leaves Scrooge's bedroom at one o'clock in the morning.

Who appears in Scrooges door knocker?

a ghostly vision of Jacob Marley

Jacob Marley was the clerk of which literary character?

Jacob Marley was the former business partner of Ebenezer Scrooge in Charles Dickens' novel "A Christmas Carol." He appears as a ghost warning Scrooge of his impending fate if he does not change his miserly ways.

Who appears in Scrooge's door knocker in A Christmas Carol?

The face of Jacob Marley appears in Scrooge's door knocker in "A Christmas Carol." Marley, Scrooge's former business partner, serves as a warning to Scrooge about the consequences of his life choices.

Where does Scrooge get the first glimpse of marleys ghost?

On the door knocker of the front door

What does Scrooge do on the day of Jacob Marley's funeral?

He removes 2 pennies used to keep Marleys eyes closed and then signs the death register taking ownership of all Marley's books, ledgers accounts and home

Who was the dead man and how did Scrooge discover who it was?

The dead man was Ebenezer Scrooge's former partner, Jacob Marley. Scrooge discovered who it was when Marley's ghost appeared to him in chains to deliver a warning about his impending fate if he did not change his ways.

What did Scrooge do with Marleys name on the business sign?

Scrooge replaced Marley's name with his own on the business sign after Marley's passing.

In A Christmas Carol who is the first ghost to appear to Scrooge?

The first ghost to appear to Scrooge is the Ghost of Christmas Past. This spirit takes Scrooge on a journey through his childhood and past Christmases to help him reflect on his life choices and actions.

Is Jacob Marley a protagonist or an antagonist?

Jacob Marley serves as a supernatural warning to Scrooge, making him more of a catalyst for change in "A Christmas Carol" rather than a traditional protagonist or antagonist. He is not directly involved in the conflict between Scrooge and the other characters. He acts as a guide to help Scrooge see the error of his ways.

Who was Bob Marleys friend?

i believe bob marleys best friend was Jacob miller another reggae singer that past away in a car accident

What did Scrooge learn from marleys ghost?

He learns that coninuing on his miserly, money grabbing ways where he disrespects and disowns those around him will being Scrooge everlasting torment