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Q: What types of guns are being debated over?
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Something was seen over Chicago the second week in October 2011, but what it was is still being debated.

What types of firearms are there?

Rifles, pistols, shotguns, water guns, nerf guns, laser guns, cap guns, machine guns; carbines, single-shots, semi-automatics, automatics. In these categories there are many further subdivisions e.g. a shotgun may be pump or lever action, single- or double-barrelled (and then side-by-side or over-under).

How many types of shot guns are there?

Single barrel, over/under, side by side, semi-auto, pump, lever, full-auto

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Almost nothing. Science used to believe that there were over a hundred "vestigial" organs, left over from evolution, that no longer had any function. Today there are about three, and their functions are being debated.

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though this question has been debated for a long period of time, it is not illegal in many countries to keep mail away from the receiver. it is still being thought over and discussed by governmental people though this question has been debated for a long period of time, it is not illegal in many countries to keep mail away from the receiver. it is still being thought over and discussed by governmental people

Is the UFO sighting over Jeruselem real?

It seems that something was seen over the city, but as to what it was is still debated.

How many firearms are there?

Over hundreds, it's really impossible to say exactly or even estimate because guns are being produced in different countries all the time. But it is safe to say that there are MAny guns

How did the state issue lead to to debated over structure of the central government?

because of the systems

How many guns do police take a year?

they get over 10 guns a year.

What types of machine guns were used?

Used... when? The machine gun has been around for over 120 years. You would need to narrow down your timeframe a bit for an answer to be given.

How did they get A mo for guns?

all over

What is the record for Nerf guns owned?

That is something no-one will know. A select few people have over 500 Nerf guns, one of them being somebody called Orange. Type in "orange's Nerf page" to see his site and collection.