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Q: What type of faulty reasoning is bill reallu loves to eat some day hell have a serious weight problem?
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not reallu, once they have plenty of food it tends to grow back; it is a fat supply after all

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I don't reallu know however i think it was 'hippie clothes' or very girly, ice cream colours, big skirts with feminine silhouettes and very kitschy.

What was the style of clothing in 1960S's?

I don't reallu know however i think it was 'hippie clothes' or very girly, ice cream colours, big skirts with feminine silhouettes and very kitschy.

This girl who i am madly in love with knows that i reallu like her but said atm she just wants a good friendship what do i do?

Since you cannot make someone fall in love with you, my best suggestion would be to respect her wishes. That way, she will see that you listen to and respect her.

What do two divergent plates form?

volcanic island arcsDivergent plate boundaries form anywhere two plates are moving away from each other. Under the ocean (Oceanic), they will produce a mid-ocean ridge. On land (Continental), the plates will produce a rift valley.

If you drink nothing but water everyday and you think you might be pregnant and you have taken home pregnancy tests but they say negative could you still be pregnant?

Tests do fail occasionally, but it'd be very unusual for several to fail. Only drinking water reallu doesn't affect the tests much either way. If they say no the very good odds are on that you aren't pregnant.

Does my dad have the flu?

Calm down, its just a flu i highly recommend to put hot sauce in his soup. Its not a joke. Put cloths that have been dipped in alcohol and put it on his forehead and stomach. (cloth should not be damp). Drink a lot of cranberry juice. Have him take some medicine. If this doesnt work wait a few hours and take get him medical help.

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It reallu depends on what type of plan you want. All companies offer some sort of family plan, and also pay-as-you-go plans. For pay-as-you-go, plans such the ones offered by Virgin Mobile are cheap (as low as $20) but also very limited. Large companies, such as T-mobile, offer unlimited plans and family plans that are cheaper than most. The cheapest way to go would be a Pay By Minute phone, depending on what you are looking for. The more features you want, and the more minutes, the more it will cost. Virgin Mobile and Boost Mobile both have cheap pay as you go plans.

What are your feelings on Apple computers?

Great! Apple computers are the best Hi-tec computers you can get. They are reallu fast and you really don't have to wait for anything to load. However, the only concern I have with them is that they are so Hi-Tec that you don't know how things work. This gets me really frustrated. Overall, Apple computers are really great (as long as you know how to use them) :). Hope this helps! I switched from a PC to a Mac because the system was far more user friendly than a Mac,but i think they are far too expensive. I would not say they are Hi-Tech,thats why i am using a Mac. I found on a PC when i was just getting my head round Windows 98 they brought Windows Vista XP out. Then a friend showed me a glimpse of how a Mac worked,and i was impressed so i bought the Mac-Mini.