Marlin made the Model 81 for many years. What markings are on the 'gold coin?'
The 1972 American Revolution Bicentennial coin is made from brass. There are versions of the coin that are somewhat valuable.
August 10, 2009 The 3 coin Silver Bicentennial Uncirculated Set is valued from $10 to $20. The 3 coin Silver Bicentennial Proof Set is valued from $10 to $15. The 6 coin Silver Bicentennial Proof Set is valued from $12 to $18.
The US Mint did not issue a bicentennial coin in 1972. Pleas examine the coin and submit a new question giving more details concerning it.
August 11, 2009 The 1976 Silver Eisenhower Bicentennial coin in uncirculated grades is valued from $10 to $70 depending upon the actual condition of the coin.
August 24, 2009 The Bicentennial 3-coin uncirculated set sold for $9 when first released. Today is has a value of $16.
The only gold Bicentennial of Congress coin minted is a Five dollar coin not a half dollar, it is valued at about $300.00.
Take another look at that coin. The date on bicentennial dollars says 1776-1976.
None of the bicentennial coins regardless of denomination released into circulation are worth more than face value.
The 1976-S Bicentennial 3-piece coin set is worth in proof condition $15-$20. In uncirculated condition, its value is: $17-$20.
August 10, 2009 The 1976 Silver Eisenhower Bicentennial coin in uncirculated grades is valued from $10 to $70 depending upon the actual condition of the coin.