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Q: What traditionally happens at three o' clock on Christmas day?
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When does ATT and Apple Close on Christmas Eve?

Three o clock

What tradianally happens at three o'clock on Christmas day?

The Queen's speech

What word form for three o' clock?

the letter three and oclock

When should put out the three kings by the crib?

Traditionally, the three kings are added to the nativity scene on Epiphany, which falls on January 6th. This marks the end of the Twelve Days of Christmas and the arrival of the Magi to visit the baby Jesus.

What happens after 2012 dec21?

There would be a morning and there would be definetly a night.It would be three days before Christmas

What do you call a clock that has three hands?

An analogue clock.

What happens on January the 6th in France?

In France, on the 6th of January, the 'Three Kings day' is celebrated, with a big Christmas feast.

Who brings gifts to the children in Spain at Christmas?

Papa Noel is the most popular gift-giver in Spain.

In 'A Christmas Carol' how long was Scrooge's journey?

The book begins on Christmas Eve. Scrooge thinks the journey lasts three nights, (as each of the ghosts come when the clock strikes one) but at the end of the book he realizes that the whole experience took place in one night as he wakes the next morning on Christmas Day.

How many divisions are there on a clock face?

Three faces of clock hour ,minutes,

What has three legs and runs?

a clock

Who is associated with humbugs at Christmas?

Traditionally, it is Scrooge, the main character in A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. At the beginning of the play, he does not like Christmas, or giving, or anything nice. Whenever someone will tell him Merry Christmas, he will reply, bah, humbug,which basically translates to, whatever. At the end of the play, after he is visited by the three ghosts, he understands what tragedies can come about when he never does anything nice, and becomes more pleasant to be around.