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tell them what you honestly think, if she's nice tell her, if you think you like her, tell her, if she's rude, tell her.

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11mo ago

Be honest and sincere. Compliment something specific that you appreciate about them, whether it's their personality, intelligence, sense of humor, or kindness. It's important to express your authentic feelings.

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Q: What to to say when a girl ask what you think of them?
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JUST ASK SHE WILL TELL U UNLESS SHE IS SHY BUT TAKE A CHANCE AND DON'T LISTEN 2 STUPID PEOPLE What???I Am A Girl I Say You Should Straight Out Say You Like Her And Say Do You Like Me And Give He Time To Think And Have Girl Time With Her Friends I Don't Think There Is Any Way Of Asking A Girl Do You Like Me With Out Them Thinking You Like Them

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well if you think shes a nice girl u should ask her but if she says no and ur immbaresed well say ok thanks but can we still be friends

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I am a Girl myself and it is very easy to get me to say yes to things. I think you should just ask the question and she will most likely say yes. Good luck :)

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i think u say prom is coming up and if your not going with anyone will u go with me

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If you really liked this girl than you shouldn't be afraid of what other people say about you.

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You can ask everything you want to ask to a girl on the phone why to think so much.

Can girls ask boys out or do they wait on someone to ask the girl?

Answer :yes . of course you can ask them out! when you are the girl it doesnt make it any less easy or is just the seems usual that the guy would ask the girl...but if you ask me,i think anyone should be able to ask.if you really like the boy,or if you think they like you,you can try to ask them out.anyting goes!if u think a guy likes u and u like him, ask him out. he will say yes, even if he is with friends