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Tell him his best qualities and what you like about him most.

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Q: What to say when your boyfriend asks you what you think of him?
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If a boy asks you out and you have a boyfriend, you should say no.

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you should think he only want you for money

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You say you like him.

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You can start by learning proper grammar:"What is something sweet to say to your boyfriend when he asks why do you like me?"

What is a positive response when your boyfriend asks what do you want out of me?

You say "Nothing. All I want is you."

What if a friend's ex boyfriend asks you out?

if u like him say yes but if u don't say hell no

What do you do if a boyfriend asks you out and you don't know if its a joke or not?

Just say yes and if it was a joke, say you were joking too.

Why can't I seem to say 'no' to anyone who asks me out?

You might not be able to say no because inside you don't want to hurt anyones feelings. Or you might have a sense of loneliness in which every guy that asks you out you feel like you have to say yes or you'll never get a boyfriend. Just be self confident and everything will be fine. Think before someone asks you. Do you really like him?

Is it a good sign when a guy asks you if you've ever had a boyfriend?

It depends. They may think your friget, they may merely be curious. If they are your friend, i'd say the second option.

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say sure. You don't have to mean it

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