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smile and walk on like you don't really know them

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Q: What to say to someone who hates you?
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What is the word for someone who hates the poor?

The word for someone who hates the poor is "misogynist."

A word for someone who hates technology?

A Luddite - someone who hates technology A Technophobe - someone who is afraid of technology

How do you ask what someone likes and hates in french?

To ask what someone likes in French, you can say "Qu'est-ce que tu aimes ?" To ask what someone hates, you can say "Qu'est-ce que tu détestes ?"

My Friend's parents are divorced her Dad's getting remarried to someone she hates how can I help her?

you say hi then leave. :P

What will you do if someone hates you?

Not worry about it.

What do you call someone who hates the English?

Someone who hates the English is often referred to as an "Anglophobe."

What do you do if you like a boy that's 2 years older than you and he hates you?

my advice is ask him so your sure that he hates you and if he does hes definitely not worth it! i mean who wants someone who wont like them back let alone who hates them????and if he does i say try to move on...

If you like someone but he hates you what do you do?

Find someone else.

What do you do if the guy you seem to get on well with tells you he hates you?

Why would you want to be around someone who hates you? Forget about him and find someone who will love you.

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What is someone who hates mariage called?

a person who hates mariage is commonly known as Misogamist

In Pokemon what did misty say she hates?

she said that she hates CARROTS, PEPPERS, and BUGS