Just say "ok see you later"
But first make sure you have his number... if you don't have his number, give him a sticky note and say "write it down."
I would call that my dream guy! lolz! but i would say it would be obedient.
If a guy tells you that you are cute or pretty, he is very interested in you.
He just tells Linda Tripp that she shouldn't have talked. and he hopes she dies.
just say i love you to.
It means call him.
Yes, I think so. Unless you put her on the spot to say that. What did you say in return? I hope you follow through on your word. Don't wait too long. --a guy
call him a selfish prick
You can say "guapo" to call a guy handsome in Spanish.
you comfort him and tell him you respect his decision.
Depends if he means it.If You Love Him Say It Back.
best LOOK for a new guy
It means to call him.