

Best Answer

1. all things pertaining to kitchen eg: towels, untensils, kitchen gadgets. 2. all things pertaining to lingerie, eg; panties, slips, soaps, beautiful talcs, bath beads, just a few examples.

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Q: What to put in an engagement gift basket?
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Can I put gift certificates in a gift basket?

Yes. But be sure the the gift certificate relates to the theme of the contents of the gift basket.

What is the best and unique engagement gift?

A good unique engagement gift would be one the bride can enjoy with her new fianc, such as a gift basket with gourmet treats, Another good gift would be a couple's weekend at a resort or spa.

Whats the best thing to put in a gift basket ?

The best thing to put in a gift basket depends on the person who will be receiving the basket. If the person enjoys gardening, you might put flower bulbs or gardening gloves in the basket.

Will I look cheap if I just bring a gift basket?

No, you will not look cheap if you just bring a gift basket if you remember to make it meaningful. You can put so much into a gift basket. If you want to make it sentimental for the reciever you can make a photo gift basket/box. Make sure you put the things that the reciever would really like it the basket.

What are some good ideas for a romantic gift basket?

There are many good ideas when one is making a romantic gift basket. The best things that one could put inside of a romantic gift basket would be things like sweets and flowers.

What can you put in a Canadian gift basket?

Maple syrup I heard up there they have the best

Where can I get ideas on what to put in a father's day gift basket?

You can get ideas on what to put in a father's day gift back by visiting Also try Some ideas include mugs, beer, gift certificates and shirts.

How does one make a fruit and cheese gift basket?

You can make a fruit and cheese gift basket by purchasing a large variety of fruits and cheeses and a basket to put them in. Arrange the cheeses and fruits so that they are visually appealing and then give it away.

What are good things to put in a gift basket for a wedding?

Some good things to include in a gift basket for a wedding are champagne, scented candles, picture frames, CDs, and DVDs. Chocolates and other little snacks are great as well.

Where can I purchase a wine holiday gift basket?

Here are some links:

Are BabiesRUs discount coupons appropriate items for a baby gift basket?

Yes, it is totally acceptable to put discount coupons in a baby gift basket. However, you probably should include other gifts in the basket as well and not just the discount coupons.

What selection of fruits could one put in a gift basket for an elderly lady?

A selection of fruits one could put in a gift basket for an elderly lady include apples, oranges, pears, grapes, grapefruits, bananas, even kiwis and strawberries.