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That is so annoying and can be so painful! I had bloody noses which dried the nasal mucus out. My Dr. recommended using saline (SP?) drops. (NON MEDICATED) it seemed to help me. Use a humidifier in your bedroom at night and where you hang out during the day when possible.

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Q: What to do with a Dryness in your nose?
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How do you get a bloody nose?

you get punched in the nose. Well, it is also caused by dryness in the air. it is also caused by you picking ur nose too much!!!!!!!!!!(dont pick ur nose anymore)

What does it mean when you have blood coming from your noise when you sneeze?

It's usually from the dryness in winter. Try putting a little vasaline in your nose before you go to bed.

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use shampoo that hydrate the skin

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The most common side effects from decongestant nasal sprays and nose drops are sneezing and temporary burning, stinging, or dryness.

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What is the function for moisture in your nose?

Moisture in your nose helps to humidify and filter the air you breathe, making it easier for your lungs to extract oxygen and stay healthy. It also plays a role in protecting the delicate tissues inside your nose from irritation and dryness.

Why would I have bloody scabs inside my nose and my nose was not bleeding?

If you smoke menthol cigarettes the fiber glass in the filter may be causing dryness in the nose mouth and throat. you may have a sore throat as well as a sore scabbing nose. you nose wont bleed, its like having tiny cuts all along the soft tissues on the inside of the nose. also you may have air borne mold in your house or apartment. the molecule's of the mold that are in the air get into your body through nose and air passage ways drying out sensitive areas. the severity of the mold (ex. black mold, or everyday mold) will differently effect your body. both may cause dryness and scabbing of the nose.

Why does your dog's nose have crusty skin on it?

Dogs generally don't have dry crusty skin on their nose, There can be many reasons for the same, e.g. the dog has been suffering from dehydration, or he is not getting proper nutrition or it can happen due to weather change, and if you feel none of these reasons apply, then see a vet. My dog gets a crusty nose each winter and I used to use coconut oil, olive oil etc. but they are not effective as he would get a crusty dry nose each winter. Last year, I got hold of a nose balm for dogs from Puppington's and used it regularly on his nose, and this year, his nose is not showing any signs of dryness. So, to answer you, a dog's crusty nose is due to dryness 99% of the time and due to some underlying medical condition for the rest of the 1%

What is the opposite word for humidity?

Aridity or dryness.

What is 'dryness' in Latin?

The Latin equivalent of the English noun 'dryness' is siccitas. Its literal meaning is the dryness of weather, as in 'drought'. But another meaning is 'firm health, freedom from humours'. Still another meaning is 'dryness, plainness, simplicity' of style.

Can Strattera cause nose bleeds?

Strange, our 7 year old son is experiencing nose bleeds as well. Very curious, he has been taking Strattera for around a year now. Seems to have the nose bleeding in the am when he awakes or during the night when he is sleeping on his pillow the next morning he leaves a very visible trace. Really not sure if the Rx is the link or not or maybe the weather causing it, really just trying to see if anyone else might have the same link between the meds and nose bleeds? This just started a week or so ago and have not thought much about it till he woke up again this am with a bleeding nose. I would have thought that if it were dry membrains in his nostril that it would be bleeding on a more regular cycle? Have a call to the doctor now but awaiting an answer now.