You make a decision; you both can either choose to move on from it, eventually (there's going to be pain and healing), and take it as a mistake of hers that wasn't meant to hurt you, or you can choose to leave her, taking it as irresponsible of her and very inconsiderate of your relationship by her allowing herself to get to such a point.
* break up * give her only a second chance * see a movie with a benficial friend * get drunk
get them drunk cuz u know what they say Lil kids and drunk people say the truth
Being drunk is no excuse. Many people get drunk and may be attracted to someone else at a party, but most 'look and don't touch.' Get rid of your boyfriend because he'll cheat on you again and being drunk just isn't a good enough excuse.
No, the song Drunk drunk again is not in the public domain because of the copyright infringement issues.
Now I know that I am not you, but if my boyfriend said that to me I would dump him! Even if he says that he was drunk if he really loved you then he would know better. Plus, do you really want a boyfriend who is going to be drunk? So think about that I can't chose for you, but the chose is pretty obvious.
You should leave it for now, but when it does come up, mention it. ---- thanks for your help :D
Get your friend drunk? Or just say something... OR ask him/her out!!?!?
He's singing about how him and his girlfriend aren't together anymore and he's lonely, all by himself, so he turns to alcohol. He sings about how he'll be drunk again "to feel a little love," and he's gonna miss her.
He may have feelings for you, but i'd say that it is the alcohol. He was drunk and wasn't thinking straight
First, 14 and 16 shouldn't be drunk. Give it a few years. That said, he may, may not. You may think you feel something for him, but bottom line is you got drunk and fell asleep with your head on his chest, nothing more.
first just get him to notice you then make him jealous by pretending to like someone he knows like his friend then he might take you back and you can focas again! Get drunk and sleep with his best friend. After that make it up to him by having a threesome with him and your best friend. By this stage his best friend will want a threesome with you and your best friend which will give you something else to focus on.
If your friend is drunk, they may not be the best judge; may even be in denial about it. And even if they were, unless you are dependent on them for transportation or some other service that demands good judgment, what business is it of yours?