I fix mine by pressing the ALT key. That's also how it gets stuck.
You have to go to support.nintendo.com, call them, and they will get it out.
Either he ate LOTS of food or He got inflated with water: http://lollipoppaintbrush.deviantart.com/art/Arceus-Gets-Stuck-162422903
Arm. Anus By the way: Whoever last wrote ANUS! Is a not educated person! Yours sincerly, Answers.com
apple apple tree apple cider apple pie
Better break out the Mayonnaise!
brute force attack
ure anus will feel like apple pie . and your nan will pop out your foreskin ure anus will feel like apple pie . and your nan will pop out your foreskin
The correct spelling of the word is "dingleberry." A dingleberry is fecal matter, lint, toilet tissue that gets stuck on the ends of hair surrounding the anus. Presence of "dingleberries" is a sign of poor hygiene. Okay, I don't have a life...so what?
The large intestinethe anus
what it it stuck on?
When a bus gets stuck in the middle of a busy street, traffic can be tied up and drivers can get agitated.
On apple OS X , if any process gets hanged or stuck you get a tiny beach ball which keeps spinning until it force closes. This is called "Beach Ball on Death" - BBOD
First the food gets broken down,then goes to the anus.(In case you didn't know an anus is a buttwhole.)
it is about a kite that gets stuck. then a boy sees the kite and gets it down.
It dies
14th of may