Do charity work. It will make you feel better about yourself then other people will start to feel better about you.
Does this one help?:it appears to be(it seems to be)appeared=seemed
no it just seems like one
Nowadays it seems like the answer to that qeustion is no one.
Seems like something for Blackberry or iPhone
Seems like there is only one: Tyson Beckford
no one seems to know... :(
He seems emo to me no one can look like that and not be emo.
Yes is seems like it.
No one really knows it kind of seems like it tho
No, though they should make it one, it seems like it should be a word.
Yes,it does indeed have a thorax although it seems like it doesn't have one
It seems that one dinner on the program has over 500mg of sodium which seems like a high amount