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If caught for cheating, it is best to own up to your mistake through open, honest, and direct communication. Attempting to cover up a case of cheating may only lead to greater problems later on.

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Q: What to do when caught cheating?
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Why do woman lie when caught cheating?

Girls lie when caught cheating because they're most likely to scared to face the facts or it might also be the fact that, cheating for a woman is more frowned upon than a man who cheats. Really it should both equally be frowned upon.

What to do when you got caught cheating in an exam?

Except your punishment for being dumb and cheating when you could have learned and actually know things to have a good future.

What are two possible consequences of cheating on an exam?

Two possible consequences of cheating on an exam are: Getting caught by the teacher Getting suspended or expelled

Can you get caught cheating taking an online test?

Yes one can absolutely get caught if one is cheating in an online test. That is so because online tests follow strict rules and regulations. They have invigilators appointed to take care of the test.

Why do women lie when caught cheating?

"Cheating" means to "keep a secret" and my question back is "why do men lie when they're caught cheating?" Both parties are to blame. There are no excuses for cheating although many people will rationalize that there reasons are a totally different case than anyone elses. We all have a tongue in our heads and if we are unhappy in our relationship then we should have the guts to break up with the person we are with and then there is no need to cheat. There are cheaters that want to have their cake and eat it too and some that are afraid if their relationship with the other person doesn't work out they can continue on with the relationship they are already in. Cheating is selfish and it shows a person has no backbone. B: Just like when the husband lie when he got caught cheating.

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Have you ever been caught cheating in college?

No, I have never been caught cheating in college.

Have you ever experienced the consequences of getting caught cheating?

Yes, I have experienced the consequences of getting caught cheating.

What are the release dates for Caught Cheating - 1931?

Caught Cheating - 1931 was released on: USA: 26 January 1931

Have you ever experienced the consequences of getting caught cheating on a test?

No, I have never experienced the consequences of getting caught cheating on a test.

Why do people cry when they get caught Cheating?

People cry when they get caught cheating because they get in trouble when they cheat

Is it only cheating if you get caught?

Cheating is cheating whether you get caught or not. People who cheat are immature; selfish; have no backbone; use the partner they are with and have no respect for their feelings; wants it all their own way no matter what the cost to their mate and to the girl they are cheating with.

How can one ensure they do not get caught cheating on a test?

The best way to avoid getting caught cheating on a test is to study and prepare thoroughly beforehand. Cheating is not a sustainable or ethical way to succeed in academics.

What are the best excuses when you get caught cheating?

Lie about it.

How do you get caught cheating in sims 2?


What are the release dates for Caught on Camera - 2010 Cheating Death - 1.3?

Caught on Camera - 2010 Cheating Death - 1.3 was released on: USA: March 2011

Has anyone been caught cheating on the lockdown browser during the exam?

There have been instances where students have been caught cheating on the lockdown browser during exams.

What are some hazards of cheating?

Cheating how? In a game or in a relaton ship? Well, getting caught I guess.